Tuesday, April 29, 2014



My husband made this for me...lol doesn't fit my post but I like seeing myself!

  1. Your body is your temple. Food is my weakness I love to EAT, especially fast food, but of course it’s not good for me and being unhealthy is not CUTE. JUST SAY NO!
  2. Don’t try to look like Kim K. because she is photo shopped all the time. What you see isn’t always what is true and real. ALWAYS ALWAYS… be yourself
  3. Love yourself and it will show on the outside because whatever is inside is sure to shine through.
  4. No matter what you have value yourself. So what ! I haven’t gotten as far as I planned yet, but at least I know my worth and what is to come. No matter what you have, live at a higher standard because you are worth it.
  5. SMILE, it helps brighten your day as well as others. Anyone who knows me, knows that I live by this because I am always smiling and I learned this early on in life. A smile truly can change a person
  6. Bring the DIVA out, just because we are moms, wives and everything else doesn’t mean we can’t be HOT. Whatever helps you get to this point do it because it’s different for each person. For me music helps bring out the DIVA in me. 

Lastly…remember these quick tips: water and sunscreen are your friends and always embrace yourself!

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