Tuesday, April 29, 2014



My husband made this for me...lol doesn't fit my post but I like seeing myself!

  1. Your body is your temple. Food is my weakness I love to EAT, especially fast food, but of course it’s not good for me and being unhealthy is not CUTE. JUST SAY NO!
  2. Don’t try to look like Kim K. because she is photo shopped all the time. What you see isn’t always what is true and real. ALWAYS ALWAYS… be yourself
  3. Love yourself and it will show on the outside because whatever is inside is sure to shine through.
  4. No matter what you have value yourself. So what ! I haven’t gotten as far as I planned yet, but at least I know my worth and what is to come. No matter what you have, live at a higher standard because you are worth it.
  5. SMILE, it helps brighten your day as well as others. Anyone who knows me, knows that I live by this because I am always smiling and I learned this early on in life. A smile truly can change a person
  6. Bring the DIVA out, just because we are moms, wives and everything else doesn’t mean we can’t be HOT. Whatever helps you get to this point do it because it’s different for each person. For me music helps bring out the DIVA in me. 

Lastly…remember these quick tips: water and sunscreen are your friends and always embrace yourself!



Being stylish and fabulous is not dressing the way other people like you to dress or following the trends. It’s about being yourself and having confidence which sets you apart from everyone else. Your style should promote yourself and lately to be honest I have been having lots of trouble with this. Not that I don’t know who I am, it’s hard finding the time to style myself when I am so busy styling others, working full time, going to school full time, being a mom and wife. Either way what will get you noticed is creating your brand and style for yourself. DON’T FOLLOW THE RULES, GIRLS! Serious STYLE demands attention and says I care enough about myself to put this banging outfit together.

Before you get to this point you must make sure to organize your closet, if your closet isn’t organized you’ll never be able to find those hidden treasures you have. Finding your style isn’t easy so find the pieces you love most and figure out what you like about them. Once you find the ten items you love most you are on your way to defining yourself and your style.

At my job we have a pretty strict dress code which I hate and plus everyone is older than me and very old fashioned. In these situations don’t let it scare you away from being yourself. I always add a scarf or bling my outfit up a bit! AND, lastly this is my favorite part…Don’t be fake! Dress to your lifestyle and personality.

In the words of BILL BLASS – WHEN IN DOUBT WEAR RED! lol red is on of my favorites...

Monday, April 21, 2014


One of my makeup bag staples is always the AVON Slick Tint. My personal fave color is glossy wine, though all the colors look great on dark skin which is pretty surprising from AVON. Slick Tint comes in glossy rose and glossy opal as well. This tint is great for wearing alone or you can apply a gloss over it depending on the look your are going for. I usually wear a gloss over it, but in the pic above you will see there is no gloss and I just showed a tinted lip. The reason this tint is so great is because it gives you light coverage throughout the day. I don't want to have a ton of makeup on the entire day. Have you tried Slick Tint? Try it out for yourself here.

moisturizes lips
great tint

needs more colors
no staying power



I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.

So, ok! I know Easter is over and technically I am late but HEY, it’s better to be late than never, right? Easter is such a special day to me because of course it’s Resurrection Sunday but, did you know my daughter started walking on Easter? I feel she has a special connection to God. Her name Mariah means God is my teacher.

Even though most people will say it means bitter. You have to know the true meaning, research is always key and I love to prove people wrong.

Mariah is now 4 years old but I found it amazing that she learned to walk on Easter so as Jesus was revived; Mariah came to life as well in a way! Do you have a special connection to Easter?


Thursday, April 17, 2014


Can you believe Mother’s Day is right around the corner? AVON has items to spoil each type of mom. Which style mom do you have?

You can purchase these items as well as many more right here


April is Autism Awareness month which is so exciting to make more and more people aware of autism. There are so many people who are blind to what autism even is, but that’s why I am here!

Ten Facts You May Not Know About Autism

  1. Autism now affects 1 in 68 children and 1 in 42 boys
  2. Autism is the fastest-growing serious developmental disability in the U.S.
  3. Autism costs a family $60,000 a year on average
  4. There is no medical detection or cure for autism
  5. Autism is a hidden disability - you can't always tell if someone has it
  6. While autism is incurable, the right support at the right time can make an enormous difference to people's lives
  7. Autism is the most underfunded developmental disorder
  8. Autism impacts the normal development of the brain in the areas of social interaction, communication skills, and cognitive function. Individuals with autism typically have difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, social interactions, and leisure or play activities
  9. Autism is a bio-neurological developmental disability that generally appears before the age of 3
  10. It is widely speculated that Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Andy Warhol, and even Bill Gates are on the autism spectrum

To learn more about autism please visit www.autismspeaks.org  www.autism.org

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Summer is almost here but not quite. These AVON must haves will help you transition into summer and look amazing.

  1. ADVANCE TECHNIQUES 360 Nourish Moroccan Argan Oil Leave-In Treatment - Great for keeping hair moist, shiny, and soft as we transition into summer
  2. Ideal Flawless CC Color Corrector Cream - By summer you should see great correction results from this cream in regards to skin tone
  3. NAILWEAR PRO+ Nail Enamel - A must for spring is pretty, colorful manicures and AVON has lots of colors choose from
  4. ADVANCE TECHNIQUES 360 Nourish Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo - Cleanse, soften and detangle with this great argan oil shampoo
  5. SuperExtend Extreme Mascara - Luscious lashes are in this spring and mascara is a staple for every woman
You can check out all these wonderful products here


I am beginning to think I am addicted to ZUMBA. I have ZUMBA Core Fitness and I am in love with it. It really makes you work hard but after a while you forget you are working out because it is so fun. This workout I purchased for the WII, is great because it's main focus is the core which is great for me because I am a mom and it helps keep the core toned. Not only that but I also have mild scoliosis and I need that core strength to help maintain a strong back.

I rate ZUMBA Core Fitness an A+. It is effective, fun and has a variety of levels. What do you think about ZUMBA?


I am so happy spring has finally arrived here on the east coast. It is a great time to debut fun spring dresses and floral prints are in. You can purchase similar items here.

Dresses with printed tops work great for your figure. You need a little more going on up top to create a balance with your naturally curvy hips.

Banded waist dresses work great for you because it creates a slimming effect especially when in a dark color. This will help you create more of an hour glass shape.

Inverted Triangle
We can wear almost any type of print. One shoulder dresses work great for us because we can show off our bold shoulders and stand out. No need to hide on of our greatest assets. Ruffle on the bottom also help us create the illusion of having a curvy shape.

Of course hourglass shapes can wear just about any dress and look great. Dresses with natural curve will help enhance your dangerously curvy look.

Empire dresses are great for rectangle body shapes. Theses dresses will help you create a curvy look and create that waistline you are looking for.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


All through my life I have never fit in anywhere. I always tried to fit in...uhhh that NEVER worked LOL. Even now with work I don't fit in. I am one of the youngest employees at my job. What I have found is that not fitting in is a good thing. People want you to conform to their way of life, NOT GONNA HAPPEN. It's just like being a Christian... there is temptation everywhere.

People think they know me, but they have no idea! I am and always will be a Geek down deep inside.I love reading, watching The Big Bang Theory, and I am always pushing my glasses up, LOL. Seriously, I have been through A LOT, but people think my life is perfect. Everything I have I worked hard for it AND I refuse to let my parents purchase anything for me. I like knowing that I owe no one.

So I challenge you to stand out and be yourself no matter what other people think or say about you (behind your back because they are too scared to say it to your face). Do what makes you happy! It upsets people when you are at the top of your game and they are faking their success. HELLO, they want what you got and will do anything to tear you down. 


SO, I tried out the new AVON CC Cream to see what all the hype was. What's good about the cream is that is actually does help clear up your skin and even the tone. The bad part is the cream colors are not right for dark skin, like me quite yet. It actually made me look very pastey. Usually AVON waits and waits and waits and thennnn, comes out with darker shades to suit dark brown skin, but I do like that fact that I can wear the CC cream without heavy makeup, like foundation. Try it out for yourself here.


  • lightweight
  • didn't crease
  • clears skin and evens tone


  • Needs more shades
B- (I had to because I hate when new products drop and I can't wear them!)

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Since a lot of people don't know the real SHAR! This compilation of videos sums it up pretty well:) HAPPY VIEWING!


I love Kimora and even though she is no longer the creative director for Baby Phat, she is still a BEAST. I have probably read this book about 3 or 4 times and each time I learn something new. Not only is it a great read, but Kimora gives you homework too. From laws that include: Be a Woman Warrior, Don't Let Other People Cash in on Your Game, Embrace Your Inner Goddess (Then Play with Your Diva) and the list goes on.

I really hope you take the time out and read this book, you will learn a lot about yourself and how you can be fabulous! 

Some of my faves from the book:

  • My advice is to own something under your name. A piece of property. Some investments. 
  • Never let someone control your dough
  • Save before you spend
  • Make the effort to say hi and bye to everyone around you no matter what mood you're in - it's a small gesture that leaves a big mark
  • Carry an extra-large bag in cherry, emerald, or orange - not beige, not camel, and definitely not black
  • Don't try to change yourself to fit a stifling status quo
Quotes to live by within the book:

  • If you haven't cried, your eyes can't be beautiful - Sophia Loren
  • I think men are afraid to be with a successful woman because we are terribly strong, we know what we want, and we are not fragile enough - Whitney Houston
  • An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind - Gandhi

Friday, April 4, 2014


I was just telling  a co-worker of mines today that my new thing for spring/summer is high-low dresses. I don't know but, I think I am addicted! Anywho, LOL. Here is how you can take one dress and where it three different ways. I have also incorporated the black and white theme into this set, since it is a HOT trend this Spring. 

I love dresses that can transition. For 9-5, take a cardigan and skinny belt to wrap around the waist and you a ready for work in an instant. Take this look to ladies night by pairing it with a cute clutch and statement earrings. Lastly, go casual by  pairing it with a cute denim jacket, wayfarer sunglasses and sandals. Do you have a favorite dress this season?

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Matthew 9:37

I wish everyone had the same views in life, but obviously they don't and of course even if we did we still wouldn't all get along. The world is sooo diverse. It's hard to work within a company that doesn't value the same things as you. Everyone is always looking for a shortcut and a way to do things faster. I believe we should take time to do things the right way. Doing things in a rush only leads to more mistakes in the future. Today, slow things down a bit and take time to do your work right and always remember to keep your integrity. 


  • Always, always - make a list of what you REALLY need
  • Shop when things are out of season because of course trends change but usually colors stay the same each year and you can tweak out of season items to fit your style now.
  • Buy clothes that fit your lifestyle, for me and my busy days I try to buy things I can put on and go. Items that are simple work for me, but maybe not your lifestyle. *The trick is to wash your clothes, spray with wrinkle release and throw it into the dryer. DUH no ironing, SCORE!
  • Buy staples, I try not to follow the trend. I like to set them more. Who doesn’t like to LEAD.
  • If you choose to be a little trendy don’t spend much on these items. They are in one year and out the next.
  • Stay away from shopping on the weekends. It creates too many impulse buys because of the stress faced from crowded stores. 
  • Neutral colors usually are cheaper and are more versatile. Buy more neutrals that can go with any outfit or style.
  • Lastly, know yourself and your style. 


So, I have come to find out not many people know what Autism is and how important it is to get your child screened for learning and other disabilities. First off…let me say take the word RETARD out of your vocabulary. Not all individuals with Autism are the same and in fact most individuals with Autism and extremely intelligent. 

Facts About Autism You Never Knew
  • Autism is a spectrum disorder meaning it has varying degrees and affects each individual differently 
  • So much about Autism is still unknown, which is why we must continue to raise awareness for Autism
  • Don’t let people tell you your child doesn’t look autistic or act autistic. As a mom you will know deep down inside if your child has a delay.
  • For those with Autism it is hard for them to communicate, but this doesn’t mean they don’t understand what you are saying. Sometimes words are jumbled up and they get frustrated because they have such a big mind with lots of thoughts but they just can’t quite get out what they want to say. 
  • Visual supports are very helpful and can help children get through their day
  • Your love for those with Autism must be eternal. With your love and support with an Autistic child, they will grow up to become successful leaders. 

Many Celebrities and their children have Autism
Jenny McCarthy and son Evan
Holly Robinson Peete and son RJ
Toni Braxton and son Diezel
Albert Einstein